FDAS organized virtual assessor conclave, to Exchange of ideas on the “Process of Assessment” and “making of Assessment report”.
FDAS organized virtual assessor orientation program, to develop an understanding amongst the assessors with the assessment process of FDAS.
As a part of resources development, FDAS conducted Assessors Training Programme on 26-28 August, 2019.Sixteen participants selected are having work experience in accredited Test, Calibration and Medical Laboratories as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 15189:2012 respectively. The programme focused on salient features of the revised standards, FDAS policy and procedure for granting the accreditation, FDAS terms and conditions to maintain accreditation and use of FDAS symbol, use of ILAC documents in terms of measurement traceability, measurement of uncertainty and classification of non-conformities. The programme was interactive by way of discourse, group exercise, mock audit and opening/closing meeting.
FDAS selected 15 participants for training and empanelment as assessors. The participants selected are those who have been assessors for an International Accreditation Body. Hence the programme was conducted on 19-20 August,2019 for two days at FDAS Secretariat.The programme focused on FDAS assessment process and grant of accreditation, Terms and conditions to maintain accreditation and the use of the FDAS symbol. The programme addressed the Test and Calibration accreditation schemes.
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